Through training to Consultant-hood

Created by Sara 2 years ago

I have so many memories of working with Al that it is hard to work them into a timeline of our developing careers. I remember as an EM trainee it was always great to see Al (a medical student at the time) at the typing station as I knew he'd be able to make my garbled thought process in to a coherent note for the patient. I remember his enthusiasm in supporting (or running?!) the set up of an ED sedation registry and that enthusiasm continued for every project he undertook, setting them up to ensure the results were worth the work. Once I became a Consultant, Al was there as a dedicated and hard-working trainee. I remember being at a pre-hospital call-out with Al that required one of us to helicopter back, generously (I hate helicopters) I gave him the seat and I can see his face a mixture of intense concentration with a big helping of glee. Through the ups and downs of training he persevered, and then thrived as he took on the role of Consultant. We'll miss you Al.

Sending much love to you and the boys Sara.

Sara Robinson
